How We Work

My mission statement is to help my clients work toward financial independence through planning. We want to spend time with clients to determine their goals and objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance, and help them make suitable financial decisions for their future. Our mission is to build a long-term relationship with me, their independent and knowledgeable advisor. We aim to accomplish this through education, training, integrity, and outstanding client service.

Core Strategy

What sets Alpha Strategic Advisors apart from other financial services firms is our high-return, low-risk approach to equity ownership. Every client is treated with personalized service to help them pursue their financial goals. My time is best spent determining clients goals, time horizon, and their risk tolerance. With focus on who my clients are and what they’re driven by, I am able to help them make suitable, realistic, and exciting financial decisions for their future. What’s most important is the relationship built between my clients and myself; as their independent and knowledgeable advisor. I accomplish this through education, training, and outstanding client service. Alpha Strategic will assist you in creating your vision of financial independence, with a goal to help you get there.

Market meta-analyses have shown that day traders all too often underperform the market and individual investors fare even worse, often failing spectacularly. Market myopia and impulsive responses to market vicissitudes are the usual reasons. The most commonly employed corrective to these unprofitable approaches is a portfolio of primarily broad-based, low-fee index vehicles intended to insulate investors from single stock risks, but this strategy nonetheless leaves investors at the mercy of the index’s market volatility.

Because no strategy guarantees success or protects against all loss, Alpha Strategic Advisors adds another layer of risk mitigation by employing a strategy to lower the overall volatility of investors’ equity position. By doing so, we enable investors to allocate a smaller percentage of their funds to traditionally lower returning vehicles and a higher percentage to stocks. Our methods are seek to work toward achieving some of life’s most important long-term financial goals: debt consolidation, home buying, estate planning, and college and retirement allocation.


Our Position

In light of the obvious advantages of our core strategy, it is our position that many investors will fare best with primarily broad-based index vehicles, provided they are coupled with a strategy that seeks to reduce the volatility of the equity portion of the client’s holdings. At the same time, we scour the market landscape for well-performing, undervalued equities to potentiate overall performance.

Of course, having a position is not the same as executing one: What distinguishes Alpha Strategic Advisors from one-size-fits-all Portfolio Manager’s and Wealth Advisors is our willingness to commit the time and attention necessary to competently execute our strategy. Our team will implement our proprietary methodology to work toward stabilizing the equity portion of each client’s holdings and personally monitor its efficacy.

Our alliance with LPL Financial enables us to offer a broad range of products and services for both index and individual stock holdings, and our commitment to our clients means we strive to design from the available offerings a bespoke wealth-management strategy that simultaneously best suits their individual needs, works toward maximizing their financial well-being, and respects their risk tolerance.

*All investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss.


One of our primary goals is to develop a long-term, trusting relationship with you.

Our Process

We create strategies that are tailored to your needs and goals.

Our History

Years of experience have prepared us to guide you through your life transitions.